Our front desk staff will direct you to the courts available for Open Play. If you have a preference for either Casual or Competitive games, ask the front desk staff for guidance.
Get in line for a game by stacking your paddle on the numbered bench next to each court.
The order of paddles in the stack determines the playing order. The first group of four paddles represents the next team to play.
If you see a stack with less than 4 paddles, you can add your paddle to that stack to join their group.
When a game ends and a court opens, the next four players in the paddle stack take the court.
Players from the finished game can either rest or place their paddles back in line to wait for their next turn.
Games are played to 11, win by 2.
Open Play Rules
Court Reservation Rules & Process
Reservations are $20 per hour per court during off peak hours (6am - 4pm on weekdays) and $30 per hour per court during peak times. Reserve 1 court up to 2 hours at a time. 8 Players total allowed per reservation.
A Court Reservation does not count as an Open Play Pass. Players will still need to pay for an Open Play Pass, or redeem an existing Pass Bundle or Unlimited Pass to play.
Click Reserve a Court either on our website home page or under the Play tab OR tap Court Reservations in the CourtReserve app then tap Reserve a Court.
Choose the day you’d like to reserve a court at the top of the page.
Tap the time slot you’d like the reservation to start.
Select the duration (up to 3 hours) that you’d like to play.
Choose the court you want to play on. If you want the reservation to be open (aka you are welcoming random players to join you for a specific play type), select Yes to Open Reservation. Otherwise, say No for the standard Court Reservation.
Tap Add Players and search for other players registered at PB901 to add to the reservation. If they are not registered, you can add the number of additional guests and their names. 6 Players total per reservation.
To split the reservation fee, tap “Each Player Equally” under Fee Responsibility. Or, leave your name highlighted to pay the fee yourself. You can only split the fee with players already registered at PB901. You can redeem a Court Reservation Bundle by paying for the reservation yourself.
Tap Confirm to complete your reservation!